Lexie, celebrating 70 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project.
I first met Lexie when Rissie and I went along to the monthly Sunday Walk and Talk run by Tenterlife Suicide Prevention Network. Lexie is the Chairperson of Tenterlife and is passionate about this organisation having lost her son to suicide when he was 22. Lexie has had an incredibly tumultuous and challenging life and yet when I asked her about her age she replied, “I don’t feel my age and I am probably the happiest I have been in my life.” Lexie is truly inspirational, and I got so much out of sitting with her for a while today.
When I asked her what she would say to her younger self if she could go back in time she said, “Take time to love yourself, and don’t put others ahead of your own needs. Be confident in yourself.” There is such a common thread going through everybody’s answers about talking to our younger selves. It is fascinating how we are all so different yet share so many common denominators.
The Your Face, Your Story Project is all about celebrating the lives of women over 40 and challenging the stereotypes of women and ageing.
Be part of the revolution! I am looking for 40 women over 40 to be part of this project.
At this stage, I am officially halfway with 20 incredible women who have signed up for the project. Please contact me if you are interested as I will only be accepting 40 women. This project is shaping up to be more than I could ever have imagined and is already delivering so much.
If you want to learn more about this project, please email me at info@mynotesfrom.com.
All details can be found on my website: