Linda, celebrating 63 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project.
Linda and I had a lovely time this week for her shoot. We started off in the studio and then headed to one of my favourite places along Kildare Road that was so perfect for Linda it could have been made for her.
When I asked Linda what she would tell her younger self if she could go back in time and talk to her, she said, “Don’t be afraid.”
I love these pieces of advice the project participant would give their younger selves and I am sure they will feature in the exhibition!
The Your Face, Your Story Project is a project of inspiration celebrating the lives of 40 women over 40 and challenging the stereotypes of women and ageing.
The 2024 Your Face, Your Story Project will culminate with an exhibition in early February, and I will be launching the 2025 project in March. To register for the pre-launch list, head to https://www.mynotesfrom.com/yourfaceyourstory
Beauty, hope, joy, & inspiration