Michele, celebrating 53 fabulous years.
Michele will be travelling from Brisbane way for her project shoot, so we caught up via zoom today for our Discovery Meeting. Michele will also be making a weekend of it in Tenterfield with a long-term friend and her husband so it will be a lovely celebratory weekend.
I asked Michele what she would tell her younger self if she could go back in time and she told me that she would tell her the following, “Don’t set such high expectations, hard times happen to everyone, stay true and strong to you are.”
I also asked Michele what the Your Face, Your Story Project means to her and why she is getting involved and she replied, “I think your project creates a positive mindset for women. We struggle so much with our body and our mind and then menopause hits and we struggle even more. Even for a day, it gives a little bit of glamour to our lives.”
The Your Face, Your Story Project is all about celebrating the lives of women over 40 and challenging the stereotypes of women and ageing.
I look forward to sharing the faces and stories of 40 incredible women over 40 in the coming months.
Beauty, hope, joy, & inspiration