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Sara, celebrating 57 fabulous years

Portrait of a woman sitting in a door

Sara, celebrating 57 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project.

I first met Sara when I purchased a copy of her book The Sunbird and sent her a message. Sara then travelled to Tenterfield for a book night and to participate in the Your Face, Your Story Project.

In Sara’s launch speech in Sydney, she said that The Sunbird may very well be the first book that a person might read about Palestine, but it wouldn’t be the last. This pretty much summed it up for me as it was the first book I read on Palestine, and it quite literally changed my life (or opened my eyes so to speak) and I have lost track of what I have read and listened to since.

Sara is incredibly eloquent and fully understands what it is to be grateful for the riches of our life, especially in a country like Australia where having a roof over your head, and access to healthcare and education is the norm rather than the rare.

I asked Sara how she felt about her age, and she replied,

“The gaining of wisdom. I’m a better person now than I ever was. I’m proud of who I am, and I couldn’t have said that when I was younger. In fact, I would say it’s taken me almost all of my 57 years to grow up. I have just written and published my first real book, something I don’t think I was ready to do until now. I’m also less concerned about my appearance and the judgment of other



One of the things that has moved me about this project is that whilst media rubbish and stereotypes might present ageing as a negative, the women I have met, have embraced the wonders of being older. They are wiser, more discerning where they put their focus, care less about what does not serve them well, and as a result are incredibly wonderful to be around.


The Your Face, Your Story Project is an inspiration project celebrating the lives of 40 women over 40 and challenging the stereotypes of women and ageing.


And a shameless plug for Sara’s book The Sunbird it can be found online here:


Alternatively, if you are local I have copies for sale.



Beauty, hope, ,joy, & inspiration

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