I was delighted to find out this morning that I had been awarded three Bronze Awards in The Portrait Masters Awards.

About the middle of last year, when I felt myself being drawn to portraits, I promised myself a year of education. I read endlessly, listened to endless podcast episodes, received mentoring, and studied with an incredible array of teachers on almost every available online platform.
Towards the end of my year of education, I discovered the incredible Sue Bryce and her education platform The Portrait System and I felt like I had discovered somebody who was speaking my language. Since my year of education began, I have devoured hours of education and increasingly feel like I am heading towards my happy place. I also feel like what I am doing, capturing people's faces, stories, and special moments, matters.

The International Portrait Masters Awards was something I had taken note of as something to do in the future. However, I pulled up my big girl pants and decided to enter some images in this year's awards. I thought the sheer act of entering would alone teach me heaps. So to log on this morning and see that I had received 3 Bronze Awards, was absolutely incredible! It made me so happy and so endlessly grateful.
I absolutely love what I am doing and where I am headed.

Sending congratulations Lara on your recent success in the Portrait Masters Awards...a wonderful & well deserved outcome. I love your work .... I suspect it is a little of your soul that is always evident.
Good luck with your future ideas & plans.
Kathy Savatovic