The Your Face Your Story Project is underway!!
We have just had our first shoot for this project (stay tuned for pics) and I have been busy meeting an amazing array of inspirational women who have signed up for this project. I am so excited how this project is unfolding.
More of the incredible women involved – Kim, Jacqueline, Rebecca, Kelly, Lexie, Linda, Sara, Jane and Michelle.

The Your Face, Your Story Project is a project celebrating the lives of women over 40 and challenging the stereotypes of women and ageing. Be part of the revolution.I am looking for 40 women over 40 for this project. I have been asked how I am selecting the women involved and I just wanted to say there is no selection process as I believe that we all have beautiful faces and amazing stories to tell. The only criteria is that you are a female who is over 40. The only other criteria is that I am only accepting 40 women. At this stage, I have 23 women who have signed up for the project and I have sent out approximately 20 information emails so I would imagine I will finalise the 40 participants of the Your Face, Your Story project over the next couple of weeks.
If you are interested in this project, I would recommend signing up for it as soon as you are able as it is first come, first served and I will be finalizing participants for the Your Face, Your Story Project 2024 as soon as we have 40 confirmed.
If you would like to be involved in this project, please have a look at all the details on my website to find out more. you have any questions please pop in and see me in store, phone 0489 927 845 or email info@mynotesfrom.comxxxLaraBeauty, hope, joy, & inspiration