Trump has come out and said it. He is pressing Jordan, and Egypt to take in Palestinians as ‘floats’ the plan to ‘clean out Gaza.’ It was the plan all along obviously, but they are not even bothering to hide it now. For someone who hates refugees and migrants, he sure as hell doesn’t mind suggesting that other countries welcome refugees. No doubt, the world won’t protest when he backs up his ‘suggestion’ with bombs and fighter jets. And to make us all feel better, everybody can continue to throw around the word ‘terrorist’ like confetti at a wedding.
The Palestinians have tried been displaced for 80 years, they have tried peaceful protests, they have tried talking, they have tried negotiating, they have tried accepting what most of us would find unacceptable and they have tried armed resistance. Whatever they do is not good enough. It has always been apparent but never more so than now, that the only thing they are allowed to do is die or disappear.
there is
no picture
they haven’t shared
no death
they haven’t died
no story
they haven’t told
no plea for humanity
they haven’t made
there is
nothing left for
them to say