Therese, celebrating 50 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project.
I have known Therese many years, since our hazy London days and was thrilled when she decided to travel from Brisbane to be part of the Your Face, Your Story Project. Initially Therese was going to come with the family, but kids and hubby were busy and when she considered changing the date, her beautiful daughters told her that the project was meant to be about her so she should proceed with the date and make it all about her! Therese’s shoot was combined with a bit of a girly weekend which was fabulous.
When I asked Therese what she would tell her younger self if she could go back in time she replied, “That no one is as ever as harsh a critic as your are. Non one (that loves you) sees the extra bumps, and the imperfections as you do yourself. We need to love ourselves and love the skin we are in. Now that I am 50, I am happy to embrace my natural hair colour.
If only we could be as kind to ourselves as we are to our younger selves.
The Your Face, Your Story Project is a project of inspiration celebrating the lives of 40 women over 40 and challenging the stereotypes of women and ageing.
The project will be happening again in 2025, to register interest head to
https://www.mynotesfrom.com/yourfaceyourstory or send me an email info@mynotesfrom.com