What scares me most
I don’t get the whole love fest with Musk and Trump. One of them is the richest and possibly most powerful man in the world, incredibly annoying and does not give a shit about anyone resembling the common person. The other one is not quite so rich, decidedly orange and does not give a shit about anyone resembling the common person. Musk is currently accessing the records of the Federal Treasury of the great US of A and Trump is hosting a smirking war criminal and talking about places in the world like they are his real estate to be cleansed, renamed, developed – whatever.
As for our government – do we really think either of our two parties who are backed by mining, supermarkets and banks are if some of us worry about being able to afford to eat? All they care about is their super-dooper pensions and being able to retire with a few investment properties and hopefully a cushy job in the US of A or Israel. I am so sick of hearing we better back Albo or Dutton will get in. That was the same type of thinking adopted by the Democrats and look at where that got them. In Australia we have a choice and because of our system no vote is wasted. The least we can do is demand better of our politicians and get them to earn our vote. Instead of throwing hatred around like it is confetti at a wedding, how about we ask our politicians to address supermarket price gouging, address the housing crisis, tax the rich, get rid of incentives for investors, abide by International Law, how about we focus our attention on that and forget about all the people that we are being told to hate.
Absolutely everything is on the line, and I truly wonder if we are on the verge of throwing it all out the window because it is “complicated”, and “didn’t concern us” or because “they are terrorists”, because they are “woke”, because “the bastards are stealing our jobs/living on welfare” (I have never worked out how the bastards can do both at the same time.)
When are we going to wake up? Humanity deserves better.
What scares me most
Hollow-eyed, sweaty tooth demons don’t scare me
nor do razor-backed monsters that threaten to bite.
I spit in the face of witches and warlocks
and creatures with howls that consume the night.
What scares me most, above everything else,
is how much we can be taught to hate.
My biggest fear is that for humanity
it might simply be a matter of too little, too late.