Katherine, celebrating 53 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project.
Katherine came up from Armidale this morning for her Discovery Meeting for the Your Face, Your Story Project and she was a firm favourite with Kevin and Rosie! Katherine is embracing her age, and she says that the biggest positive thing about ageing is feeling more comfortable in your skin. If she could go back in time and talk to herself, she would say, “Be confident and don’t listen to self-doubt.” When I asked Katherine what the Your Face, Your Story Project means to her she replied with “It is like a time capsule of beautiful women” which I thought was a wonderful way of summing up what this project means to me.
The Your Face, Your Story Project is all about celebrating the lives of women over 40 and challenging the stereotypes of women and ageing.
Be part of the revolution! I am looking for 40 women over 40 to be part of this project.
Please contact me if you are interested. This is turning out to be such a joyful project.
If you want to learn more about this project, please email me at info@mynotesfrom.com.
All details can be found on my website: