Linda, celebrating 63 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project.
Linda Ringholt is a lovely friend who made my day when she said yes to the Your Face, Your Story Project.
One of the reasons that Linda wanted to be involved with the Your Face, Your Story Project was that she wanted to take a bare-faced look at the “me” she sees in the mirror. She also believes that it is important to celebrate the diversity of people exactly as they are, which is what the Your Face, Your Story Project is all about.
I am starting to see a real trend in the messages that these amazing women would give to their younger selves if they could. If Linda could go back in time she would tell her younger self to be kind to yourself, whatever that looks like to you.
The Your Face, Your Story Project is all about celebrating the lives of women over 40 and challenging the stereotypes of women and ageing.
Be part of the revolution!
If you want to learn more about this project, please email me at info@mynotesfrom.com.
All details can be found on my website:
Beauty, hope, joy, & inspiration