The Water Warrior Project is a joint project between Amanda from Swimming in the Field and me. The aim of this project is to celebrate the achievements of Amanda’s “Water Warriors” and to celebrate something gloriously positive. With this project, we hope to acknowledge personal successes, highlight the magic of moving the body in and on the water, and commemorate this moment in time.
It is only fitting that our first Water Warrior is Amanda.
Amanda is the face behind Swimming in the Field. Amanda is your Metaqua Water Fitness Instructor for Tenterfield, Stanthorpe, and Warwick and the leader of The Water Warriors!
Amanda has been teaching Metaqua for the last 6 years in the New England and Granite Belt and she was super excited to have started teaching this winter in the Southern Downs.
In Amanda’s words:
“ I am a water baby by heart and love being able to introduce so many non-water babies to an amazingly gentle, low impact, water fitness program that is non-judgmental, and allows you to work at your own pace in your own time. This program brings so much relief and self-confidence to individuals (and you don't have to get your hair or face wet!).
I am also an aqua aerobics and swim instructor and coach......as I said, I am a water baby, everything, and anything water, and I'm in!
I love seeing what Metaqua brings to so many people’s lives. Gentle rehabilitation from injuries and surgery, creating a social network, helping to fight depression, helping to get motivated and moving, and the list goes on.......
For me, Type 1 Diabetes entered my life on my 40th birthday, and then 6 months later, spinal arthritis.....It was a really hard and frustrating time for me. I was so angry (and still get angry every now and then) and there was a whole lot of “poor little ole me’ and ‘why me’. Thank goodness water was already such a big part of my life! It was and still is my go-to when I am angry, frustrated, anxious, overwhelmed, and sad. Now I rely on the water even more than before, water fitness and bike riding are the two things that keep me moving every day, keep my levels manageable and that smile on my face.
My Water Warriors fill my heart and soul every day. I have formed such beautiful quirky relationships with these ladies and gentlemen and am so grateful to them for letting me into their lives and their shoe sizes (I know everyone’s shoe size to fit them with the correct flippers….hehehehe). I love that every person who comes to us to learn Metaqua is there for a very different reason and I love even more that we can give them some answers about the wonderful world of water. And I love even more that Sally, the creator of Metaqua Water Fitness let me into her Metaqua world and trusted me with her baby!
Thank you Metaqua Water Fitness and my Water Warriors!
Ultimately, I would like to provide inspiration with the Water Warriors Project to motivate others to join us in the water, learn Metaqua, and enjoy all the benefits that come with it! And there are tonnes!”
Amanda, a Water Warrior.
