The lives of children should be sacred. But in some parts of the world it doesn’t matter if you are a child. For some young people they are told from the moment they are born that their lives do not matter as much as others, and for that the so-called civilised world should be ashamed.
Children being sniped in the head. Children losing their limbs. Children losing their heads. Thousands of children without parents. Children arrested and held hostage for years.
For some children, the world screams, for others the world remains silent.
How do people choose which children matter?
Oday is my friend. At 21, he is the sole provider for his beloved family in Gaza and needs our help. His dream is to help them evacuate or help them rebuild. Ultimately, he just wants them to be safe.
To follow Oday on Instagram: @oday.7gaza
To follow Oday’s sister Ameera on Instagram: @ameeraraida995
If you can help at all, no donation too small, it would make such a difference to people who are in dire need, and it would send a message of kindness.
To help Oday and his family the best way is to donate directly to their fundraising accounts:
Oday’s GoFundMe Account which supports his whole family
Oday’s sister Ameera and his nephew Amir
You can donate to me at the shop. The smallest donation for us, can make the biggest difference to Oday and his family.
Thank you,
Beauty, hope, joy, & inspiration