Julia, A Water Warrior
In Julia’s words:
“I was a big swimmer when I was younger, but not for many years. In primary school and high school, I attended swim training and swam competitively the entire time. But then life changed, and I haven't swum for a long time.
I feel fabulous when I am in the water! I LOVE it. I love everything about it. I love the company, it’s fun, the women are fun and I am going to miss it through winter.
Being back in the water and practising Metaqua is helping everything in my body, my muscles, my strength, and my stability. It is social and non-competitive. No one expects anything of you, except yourself........
The number of Metaqua laps I can do now, has improved immensely and I now have muscles in my arm I had forgotten about! I have a defined forearm!!! I jumped in the car the other day and noticed muscle definition when I was pulling myself up.........and of course Metaqua sessions include great company!
For people oohing and ahhhhing about getting in the water and learning Metaqua, do it now! It’s a feeling of freedom, you are amongst friends, and everyone encourages each other! Just do it!”
The Water Warrior Project is a joint project of inspiration between Amanda, Metaqua Instructor from @swimminginthefield, and Lara Flanagan, Photographer from @mynotesfrom
